
Elems: Windows Phone Game Review

Elems is a Tetris styled game for your Windows Phone where you lot try to course groups of fuzzy little creatures, Elems. Line up four Elems of the same colour and they disappear from the game board. Elems has three game modes to keep things interesting.

Game controls volition take a footling time to get used to but overall, Elems is a decent piffling game for your Windows Phone.

The main carte du jour for Elems has sound/music controls in the upper left corner with a help section push in the upper correct corner. At the bottom of the screen you take options to review the game in the Windows Phone Store and access to the online leaderboard as well equally viewing your gaming achievements.

Game play is like to Tetris in that you have combos of Elems dropping from the acme of the screen. You move them side to side and rotate them so they will autumn into place and lucifer other Elems already sitting at the lesser of the screen. You take arrow buttons on either side of the screen for horizontal motion and a rotate button just below both arrows. Swiping downward at the screen will drop the playing piece faster. A preview window is screen right and will bear witness the next playing piece coming into play.

Create a group of 4 of the same Elems and they disappear from the screen earning y'all points. Groups can exist more than four and have to connect in some fashion.

Elems has three game modes to cull from.

Classic: A Tetris styled game where yous try to remove equally many Elems equally possible before the stacks reach the top of the screen.

BlockWar: A similar game equally Classic except abrasive blocks will drop occasionally, blocking whatsoever combos that you lot may be working on. You'll have to find a fashion to work effectually these blocks to avoid the stacks from reaching the summit of the screen.

ClearMaps: This is a multi-level game where you have to create groups that will eliminate the blocks that are on the screen. You do so by creating groups adjacent to the block which in plough will remove the cake. Your playing pieces are limited and your goal is to eliminate all blocks.

Elems is a fun game just the game controls are a little frustrating at times. I'm not sure if the controls demand to be more prominent with say an online directional pad or just easier to see. The iii game modes helps Elems from getting dried and the ClearMaps can be rather challenging to become the sequence and placement of pieces just correct to eliminate the blocks. All in all, Elems is a decent game worth trying.

Elems is a costless, ad supported game that you can take hold of here at the Windows Phone Shop.

QR: Elems


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