
How To Get Capricorn Man To Chase You

How To Get A Capricorn Man To Chase You

Thrillingly, someone was so impressed with the advice given in What To Do If A Cancer Man Is Ignoring You that they sent me a similar question. It was nearly as succinct: "I am interested in how to get a Capricorn man to chase you. I am a Leo woman."

I used to get annoyed by these sorts of questions as I thought they demanded more detail. Was the Capricorn man her colleague at a drone laboratory? Her ex-husband who owed her money and slept with his parole officer but was still hot? A Tinder date who'd ghosted her?

But my thinking has evolved on this, and now I see the lack of context as a blessing. It allows me to offer extremely broad suggestions to anyone who might be interested. So here, in no particular order, are my ideas on how to get a Capricorn to chase you. I think this is pretty much gender neutral.

* Live in a vast haunted mansion with only your loyal family servant for company. Let yourself be glimpsed in fleeting poetic moments. For example; the perfect oval of your face gazing wistfully through the tinted windows of the limo. Or gliding through the meadows like a tree dryad of the golden ages. Your patrician bearing and elite-level tennis skills conceal dark family mysteries.

* Ensure the Capricorn knows that you only read literature or non-fiction written over a hundred years ago. You scorn contemporary writing, acclaimed or not. "Let's see if it still holds up in a century," you scoff.

Evidence Of Competence Is More Nurturing To Them Than Actual Nurturing.

* Capricorns climb. You could try being higher than them. Because they're not going to clamber back down the mountain just because you're frolicking in the meadows below. But a hostile corporate takeover, leveraged buyout or a dramatic attempt to out-earn them could have an aphrodisiac effect.

* Become brilliant at elegant, concise summations of situations. This Zodiac sign freaks at waffling whimsy, no matter how funny or 'cute.' But zoom in with something pithy and wham; their heart opens.

* Steal something off the Capricorn man's front balcony when you are in his line of sight and then sprint. Admittedly, this is only a technique to be deployed for when you want him to literally chase you.

* Ask for their advice on a good dentist, tax accountant or something else Saturnine and suggestive of a person-with-their-s**t-together. Many Capricorns become accustomed to being lent on by overly needy people from a shockingly early age. Evidence of competence is more nurturing to them than actual nurturing would be.

* Remember that they're not Leos. Leos are basically big cats. You can wiggle the human equivalent of a toy with feathers on it and entice a Leo. And there are Sun Signs who'll pursue at the slightest hint of a new lingerie scenario. Capricorn? They'll ask if you kept the receipt. Don't even bother.

* In homage to the mysterious Mer-Goat aspect of this sign, you could display an interest in esoteric topics. But as with the literature point above, reject recent rehashes of ancient data. Instead, head straight for the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the Voynich Manuscript.

* If you wear fragrance, wear only one and weave it into a coherent scent story. That is, wear it as perfume, wash your floors in it, use it as a room spray and leave a scent trail for him to follow. It need not be expensive – Capricorns loathe extravagance, remember. But make it exclusive, artisan and linked to a stylish ancestral narrative. Examples: Your aunt Lucretia's violet farm or an alchemist ancestor who isolated the essence of Dracula Raven Orchid.

* Capricorns heal by making money. Get in the way of this process or fluster their focus and the only way to get a Capricorn man to chase you will be by owing him a heap of cash.


Image: Undercover Womens 2018

How To Get Capricorn Man To Chase You


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